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Acne Treatments





Comes as creams, gels and lotions. These medications include Vitamin A, adapalene, tazarotene, and tretinoin. Retinoids prevent hair follicles from plugging.



​Antibiotics kill excess skin bacteria and reduces redness. Antibotics may be combined with retinoids or benzoyl peroxide to reduce antibiotic resistance. It is recommended to avoid using topical antibiotics in isolation.

Salicylic Acid / Azelaic Acid

Azelaic acids are found in whole grain cereals and animal products that have antibacterial properties. This acid is often combined with erythromycin.


Salicylic acid helps by preventing hair follicles from becoming plugged. Studies show limited effectiveness in using this product.

Daspone (Aczone)

Daspone is a gel used for inflammatory acne. Side effects include redness and dry skin.

Red-Dry-Skin-Acne | Beamish

Combined Oral Contraceptives

These combinations include estrogen and progestin. Side effects include weight gain, breast tenderness, nausea, and risk of blood clots.

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Used to treat moderate to severe acne to reduce bacteria and to fight inflammation. Oral antibiotics should only be used for a short period of time to reduce antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics can be used in combination with topical medications. Side effects include upset stomach and dizziness.

Anti-Androgen Agents

Aldactone can be used if oral antibiotics aren’t working effectively. Aldactone works by blocking the effect of andogen hormones on the oil glands. Side effects include painful mensuration cycles and breast tenderness.


A powerful drug used when other methods do not work. Oral isotretinoin is very effective, but this treatment must be closely monitored. Side effects include depression, suicide, birth defects, and ulcerative colitis. Users of this drug must participate in a FDA risk management program.

Laserand Photodynamic Therapy

Light-based therapy with some success. Further study is needed on light source, doses, and method recommendations.

Chemical Peels

Repetitive applications of a chemical solution such as salicylic acid to peel the skin.

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Extraction of Whiteheads and Blackheads

Manual removal of whiteheads and blackheads with special tools. This method may cause scarring. 

Steroid Injection

Used to treat nodular and cystic acne by direct injection of steroids. This method results in rapid improvement and decreased pain.

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