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How do I know Iboga is right for me?If you have been called and feel the excitement which can also be disguised as nervousness when you hear about Iboga, you will know it is right for you. Please fill out the preliminary intake form to ensure you are a good candidate to partake in an Iboga retreat. You will be contacted shortly after the intake has been submitted to answer any further questions.
What's the difference between Iboga and Ibogaine?Ibogaine is a pharmaceutical/synthetic derivative of a single alkaloid extract from the root bark – it’s best known to break opioid and pharmaceutical addictions, used in a clinical setting and administered by a doctor. Since it is synthetic, the spirit of the plant Iboga has been removed.
I have fear of taking IbogaIt is completely normal to have some nervousness when diving into something new. Please do your research and find a provider that has been properly trained, and endorsed by 10th generation shaman Moughenda, the only Shaman given permission to train westerners. It is of outmost importance to use Iboga in ceremony with a qualified provider as it can be harmful if not handled properly. Your safety and health at Ibogawaken, is our top priority, and we encourage you to be as forthcoming in the preliminary intake form to ensure you qualify for an Iboga retreat. This will help put your mind at ease knowing you are in good hands. We encourage you to not research others “personal healing experiences” as this can lead to expectations in your own personal journey. The medicine works uniquely with each individual and it’s best to trust that folks are experiencing healing with the medicine.
What if it doesn't workFirstly, ensure that you are 100% ready to go inward and do the work. Since this is your experience, we cannot tell you how this medicine will work with you. Many have reported major shifts during and shortly after retreat, and some have said the shifts took a longer period, however when they look back on their lives after a year, they can see how much things have changed with the help of the medicine. At the retreat, you will learn some tools on how to handle life and any of life’s obstacles that may arise. You will be supported once you go home with a few hours of integration time over the phone with your provider of choice as part of your integration program.
What is the difference between Ayahuasca and Iboga?Iboga is an African shrub where the roots are dried, ground and taken orally. The Iboga root is known to be very grounding and provides a journey within. It is the only plant that has both the feminine and masculine spirit within it which puts it at the top of the all sacred plant medicine. This plant teacher will last a long time after doing a retreat in terms of insights. The effects of Iboga can last up to 24 hours while in ceremony. Providing you qualify for Iboga by filling preliminary intake, there is no special diet to prepare for Iboga, however it is recommended to omit alcohol and over the counter medications or vitamins for at least 2 weeks prior to attending a retreat. You will know when the time is right to do another ceremony to dive deeper into yourself if need be. This master plant teacher is the safest way to consciously access the spirit world. Ayahuasca consists of a vine and leaves that come from the amazon in South America. It is taken orally as a tea. As it is a vine, and the best way for me to describe this from my own experience is, that it shoots your consciousness out into the cosmos which can be very cryptic and hard to understand. This feminine plant teacher is a powerful detoxifier. It is best to prepare the body with a good detox, also known as a dieta, of 30 days prior to ingesting. This plant teacher is more intense in terms of its psychedelic effects and the ceremony will last up to six hours. Ayahuasca has become very mainstream as there are many places offering it. Ayahuasca does have deep healing qualities, however many people feel the need to go back to ceremony repeatedly. It is common to hear that some people have drunk it twenty to a hundred times or more.
Which plant teacher is best for me?This is completely a personal choice. As you are being called to awaken and do your personal work, you need to trust your intuition on what will be best for you. Please avoid basing your research on the personal experience of others, as this tends to bring on expectations and comparison on how your experience will be. You are encouraged to get information on the provider and how they hold their retreats, and to find out what is offered in terms of expertise. This decision should be purely based on what “feels” right to you.
What steps should I take before registering for a retreat?Complete our Intake Form HERE.
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